TRIPLE S is the ultimate all-in-one solution for prep, install and post install workflow when wrapping vehicles with commercial, color change and PPF. TRIPLE S helps ensure the highest quality and workflow for installers while providing a superior finish that customers can see and feel, ALL IN ONE BOTTLE! For prep (SLIP), wiping the surface down with TRIPLE S eliminates sanding and adhesive lines while allowing even the most difficult films to slide easily across the surface. During the install (SLIDE), spraying TRIPLE S on the squeegee buffer enables it to slide effortlessly and scratch-free across the wrap film.
For post install (SHINE), wiping the wrap down with TRIPLE S enhances the wrap while leaving a protective finish that lasts and lasts. This first-of-it’s-kind product in the Wrap Industry helps solve three quality problems:
1) Sanding or adhesive dots that can make it look like there is dirt under a wrap;
2) Scratches from the squeegee during the wrapping process; and
3) Poorly maintained or protected wraps that result in the finish and colors fading prematurely.